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At a Council held at the Council Chamber in Edenton the 25th. day of Augt: 1726.


The Honoble Sir Richard Everard Bart. Govr: &ca—

Chrisr: Gale, John Lovick, Edwd. Moseley, Fs: Foster, Thomas Harvey, Edmd. Gale, John Worley, Esqrs: Members of the Council &ca.

The Honoble the Governor Informing this Board that the Maherrin Indians had delivered up an Indian Man belonging to them for Killing an English Woman and Two Children whom he Committed close Prisoner to Goal Which this Board having considered of and to prevent the said Indian from making his Escape Do hereby order that the Chief Justice Do imediately call a Special Court of Oyer and Terminer for the Tryall of the sd. Indian the Maherrin Indians having had notice to attend. And that a Copy of this Order signed by the Honoble the Governor under the Seal of the Colony and Counter signed by the Secretary shall be a Sufficient authority to the said Chief Justice and his Assistants for holding the sd. Court.

August the 26: 1726—The Council met again. Present—at Supra

Mr: Chief Justice laying before this Board a Copy of the Judgement against George Senecca an Indian for Murthering an English Woman and her Two Children in hac Verba Vizt. North Carolina Ss. At a Special Court of Oyer and Terminer held at the Court house in Edenton on Thursday the 25th: day of August Ano Dm 1726. A Bill of Indictment was found by the Grand Jury against George Senecca an Indian Man of Bertie precinct for having feloniously Murthered Catherine Groom Wife of Thomas Groom of Bertie precinct aforesd. planter and Two Infant Children Daughters of the sd. Thomas and Catherine who upon his Arraignment Pleaded Guilty and he was thereupon Sentenced to be hanged.

Given under my hand this 26th. day of August 1726.

C Gale CJ:

The fact appeared to have been very barbarous, and I see no cause to Recomend him to Mercy.


Ordered That a Warrant Issue forthwith for putting the sd. Judgement in Execution this Day sometime between the hours of Ten and four in the afternoon.

By order—