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Complaint being made that two negrose & one Indian: men belonging to James Co^a^le have in the absence of their Master & Mistres robed the house and Caryed away severall Goods and a trunk wile wearing Cloaks: They are their fore I the Name of the Paletine & Absolute Lords & proprietors Names to Will & requier all persons to apprehend the Said Negros & Indian and them to conveie to their master and all connstables and other officers are here by required to make dillegent Serch in their respective precinct and to percue by Way of Hue & Cry & the Said Negros to take & in Safe custody to kee untell they can Safly conveie them to their Said master

Given under my hand this 26th of 5th mo. 1698.

To be conveied from house to house from the North East Side of Pascotank river and Soe to Curatuk—