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Andrew Broughton Esqr complains of John Glover of Bertie prect. planter in custody of the marshal &c for that to witt whereas the said Andrew on or about the tenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty five in the province of South Carolina was possed of one Indian man Slave called Cyrus aged about thirty seven years by trade a Carpenter of the price of One hundred pounds proclamation mony being the Slave and property of the said Andrew and being so possed he the said Andrew afterwards that is to say on the aforesaid tenth day of June in the year ^aforesd.^ dated in the province of South Carolina aforesaid out of his hands and possion the aforesaid Indian Slave called Cyrus did casualy loose which said Indian Slave so lost afterwards that is to say on or about the tenth day of September in the year aforesaid in the prect. of Bertie in the aforesaid province of North Carolina into the hands and possion of the aforesaid John Glover by finding came and notwithstanding he the said John well knew the said Indian Slave Cyrus to be the property and slave of the said Andrew and that of right he then belonged to him yet he the said John contriving and intending him the said Andrew of the said Indian Slave to d[em]and the said Indian Slave to him of sd. Andrew hath not as yet delivered altho often since [in] the precinct of Bertie aforesaid by him the sd. Andrew he the said John was so to do required But he the said John the said Indian Slave afterwards to witt on or about the twentieth day of September in the year and prect. aforesaid for his own proper use and Interest did convert and dispose ^of^ to the said Andrews damage of five hundred pounds currt. mony of the aforesaid province of North Carolina and thereupon he brings this suit &c

J Montgomery Att: p Jur

vs.             } Nar: