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This is to give you to understand that Samuel Slokum hath Reased a Report that the Iandans Do intend for to cut us all of wich has put a bundancs of peopel in a very grat fright wich in so much that they are for Levein the countray a roun it

Wich a upon I sent for him and examon him a upon oath which is as follo—

No more att present but our loves to you and you youres and to brothe Joseph

I am youre frind and sairvant to command

Lyonell Reading

October 20 1703—

Samuel Sloukum did Declare be fore me Lyonell Reading upon oath that thare was a Iandan named [tochuna] did ask him whether the English did in tend to make war or no and he said no and the Iandan sade that we do under stand that you do intend for to make ware with us by severall of our Iandans ware a upon he saide the Iandans are now fully Resovld for to make triall of it for to see wich is the ardist—

And Samuell Sloukum saith that severall others Iandans has told him that thare is 2 partiqular towns dos intend for to make war and that on and all are agreed for it except 3 Iandans men of the saide 2 touns which are very much a gainst it but as for any of the oters touns as yet are not agreed as yett for to make war with the English and further this Deponeant Saith not

Lyonel Reading

and so if you think fitt Sir carry this in with you and give his honer account of it