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To the Honble. Christopher Gale Esqr. Cheife Justice and the Rest of the Justices for holding a Special Court of Oyer & Terminer for this province

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord the King ^that now is^ upon their oaths present That John Cope a Christian Indian belonging to King Blounts Towne in this province The fourth day of this Instant August by force and Armes Burglary did comitt by feloniously ^& burglariously—^ breaking & Entring into the Dwelling ^Mansion^ House of the Honorable Colonel Thomas pollock Esqr. president of this province at Chowan in the County of Albermarle, In the night, vizt. before Sun rising of the Same Day The Said Colonel Thomas pollock in the Same House in the peace of God and of our Said Lord the King then being against the peace of our Said Lord the King his Crowne and Dignity

Danll: Richardson pr Dno. Rege.

Bella vera
Thos.: Luton fore man

Wee of the Jury find John Cope prisr. at the bare Gilty of Entering the House but not with a felonious intent

Edward Wingate for man

Not Guilty
Edward Wingate foreman

The King vs Cope an
Ctian Indian—