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In The name of our Lord God Everlasting ame[n] Wee that have under written Stand greeting to all Christian People know ye that wee James Bennett Thos. Hiter Charles Beazley Jeremiah Pushen John Robins John Reding Nuce Will Indians of Chowan precinit of in the County of albemarl and Province of north Carolina of the one Part & Thos. Garrett of the Precinct & Province aforsd Wittnesseth that wee James Bennett Thos: Hitter and Charles Beazley Jeremiah Pushin John Robins John Reding Nuce Will for & in Consideration of one hundred & fifty Pounds Currant Bills of north Carolina to them in hand paid or Securd to be Paid by Thomas Garrett aforsd whereof wee the sd Indians doth hereby acquit Exonerate and Discharge the sd Thomas Garrett his heirs & assignes for ever have given Granted bargained & Sold and do by these Presents fully Clearly absolutely give grant bargain aline & Sell all that Part & Percell of Land lying & being in Chowan Prest: aforsd and being part of a pattent bearing Date one thousand Seven hundred & twenty four the sd Land begining at the mouth of a branch known by the name of Gum Branch, So up the Swamp to a branch, to Captn. Aron Blansherds line so along his line to a branch by his Plantation at a bridge then from The Bridge by a line of markt trees the Course runing to the head of the Tarkill Branch by a pond along to the jeneper Branch, then Down the Jeneper branch, to a bridge called the Jenepur bridge then from the bridge along the Path to the Gum branch then down the gum branch to the first Station Containing by Estimation four hundred Acres be it more or less to have & to hold the sd Land bargained & Sold as aforsd unto Thomas Garrett his heirs & assignes for ever with all timbers Lite woods on all Pre[mises] Belonging thereunto & thereon Contained and wee the sd Indians James Bennett Thos: Hiter Charles Beazley Jeremiah Pushing John Robins Jno. Reding Nuce Will all & every of us our heirs Extors admitors & assignes Do promise & warrant at the Ensealing & delivering hereof wee have a good right and Lawfull athority to Bargain and Sell the Same to the sd Thomas Garrett his heirs and assignes for ever and by these Presents doth Warrant the sd Premisses free from all Claims and Demands and Incubrances that may incrue hereafter of us the sd Indians of any or either of us our heirs Extors or admitors and that the land & primisses now are and so Shall and may for ever hereafter Remain continue & be unto the sd Thomas Garrett his heirs or assignes for ever & for the acknowledgment of the same before the Governer & his Counsell or any other Person appointed for that Purpose when theirunto Required wee do bind our Selves our heirs Exors or admors or assignes all & every of us in the Sum of one thousand pounds currant money of this Province Given under our hands and Seales this Seventh day of april 1734

Signed Seald & Deliverd
in the Presents of us}
Michall Ward
Henry Hill
May the 20th 1733

This day Came before me James Bennett Jeremiah Pushing & Jno: Robins Indians & acknowledged that they Executed the above Deed in due form of law & was orderd to ^be^ Registd

Wm. Smith CJ