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Before me William D. Steele Ordinary & Ex Offico Magistrate for District & State aforesaid, personally appeared Elijah Keese and old and respectable citizen of the State & District aforesaid aged Seventy nine Years who being duly sworn makes Oath that he well reccollects to have been present at the marriage of Wmilliam Guest & Anna Allen the Marriage took place at the House of John Keese in Wilks County North Carolina. They were Married by John Barton Esq who was a Lawful Magistrate he beleives the Marriage to have taken place in the year 1779 as he well reccollects that in 1780 the times was very troubelsome & that in that year William Guest was out doing service for his country on the whig Side & that they had one child at that time. He also reccollects that they were married some Six Years before this deponent which must have made it about the Year 1779 as this deponent was married in the year 1785—

He has been well acquainted with them ever since the close of the Revolutionary War (not liveing more than 10 miles from them since) that they have lived together as Husband & wife ever since til the death of William Gust which took place some two or three years since. Anna Guest who he understands is now applying to the United States for a pension is still the Widow of William Guest who was a Revolutionary pensioner that she has always been considered as truthful & that confidence can be put in her Statement.

Sworn to before me 4d day of September 1845
William D. Steele
Ordy & Ex Officio

I, William L. Keith Clerk of the Court of Pickens District S.C. certify that William D. Steele is Ordinary and by virtue of Office Magistrate in and for the District aforesaid, and that the foregoing signature purporting to be his is genuine, and also, that the Affiant Elijah Keese is an old and respectable, truthful citizen & his statements entitled to credit.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal of Office, this eighth day of September AD. 1845

W. L. Keith
Clerk of the Court of Pickens District SoCa.

S. Carolina 6574
Susp. 4 July 1836
Anna Guest
4 July 1836
15. Mos. service

Act 4th July 1836