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Southern Lumber Journal

Govenor Thos. W. Bickett.,
Raleigh, N.C.

My Dear Sir:

Permit me to tender you my hearty and sincere congratulations upon your stand regarding the strike and disorders among the Charlotte mills. You did the right thing at the right time and brought about the most salutary results. You did no injustice to any one, but equal justice to every one. I think it was one of the most fortunate encidents in your career as Govenor of the State. Others I believe will profit by your action. In fact the time has come when nothing short of your policy would suffice. All fair minded men will approve and applaude you action. The best evidence of this fact is that peace and good order were restored and all because of your prompt and decisive action. I only wish that your service to the Country could be transferred to Washington where your voice could be heard in behalf of fourty eight states instead of one. With regards and best wishes, I am

Very truly yours &c,

Z W Whitehead
Managing Editor.


P.S. You will find in the current issue of this paper our comments and endorsements of your position which I have clipped and inclosing same herewith.