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R. R. CLARK, Editor & Publisher

Hon. Locke Craig,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Governor Craig:

I understand that Miss Dowd of Charlotte called on you this week to make complaint with reference to the treatment of her sister, Mrs. Harding, at the State Hospital at Morganton. I called at your office three times on Thursday in the hope of seeing you for a fiew minutes to make a statement about this matter, but each time the place was crowded with delegations.

I am writing you now to say, that the Dowds have constantly complained since Mrs. Harding has been at the Hospital. Their complaints have been gone over by the State Board of Charities and the Board of Directors, and have been found to be practically without foundation in fact. The basis of the whole complaint is, that they want Mrs. Harding separated from the other patients in the hospital, given private apartments and special attention such as she would receive in a private institution. You know that it is neither possible nor right in a public institution to make such discriminations.

I am writing this to let you know that all these complaints have been gone over, and that the charges of mistreatment are unfounded. But at the same time, if you want to make any investigation the Directors of the Hospital and the management will be glad to have it made any time.

With best wishes,

Very truly yours,
