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Brigadier, General Laurence W. Young,
Camp Glenn, N.C.

Dear Sir:-

Have just returned from Asheville, N.C. where I had conference with Governor Craig, regarding a National Guard for Sylva, Mr. Craig was short on information that I needed, referred me to you.

I now have, seventy five young men, who wants to join a Sylva National Guard, I can very easily raise A Guard of one hundred young men, all these men, are now doing hard laboring work, and would be in fine condition for duty.

Sylva should have a National Guard, and I am in the best position for organizing the Guard. I have been serving the Southern Rwy Company, at this place for five years, as their Agent, and can get the very best endorsement from every man in this town, and the county, I have some ten or fifteen young buisness men, that I can make the very best selection from, for my Lieutenants.

I will not have any trouble in getting leave from my Company, sould my company be called out. The millitary training is what my boys want, and all will be willing to take the necessary oath. I shall be glad to hear from you, and can make trip to Camp Glenn at any time, for the Oath, and regulations that is required.

If this matter is rushing, I shall be glad have you send me Collect wire, and will enable me, getting my men lined up quickly.

Yours, Very Truly,

Cy, Governor Craig,

Please put on file with my letter July 12th, yours in answer, thirteenth.1

W. V. Dorsey.

1. Item not found among the papers of Locke Craig.