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E. R. Preston
Attorney and Counsellor at Law
Charlotte, N.C.

Hon. Locke Craig,
Governor of North Carolina,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Gov. Craig:-

The following matter has been suggested to me by Mr. J. L. Wilkinson, Chairman of a Committee of the Junior Order, of which I have long been a member. You know something of the patriotic purposes of this Order.

It seems probable that the Companies here will be called out into service before the trouble with Mexico is over. It has occurred to the Junior Order that if there is any way whereby you as Governor of the State could in this emergency allow them to organize a Home Guard, they would be glad to do so. If you can do this, they would be glad to do so. If you can do this, they would be glad to give bond for the use of any guns which the Adjutant General Department could turn over to them. If no such guns could be turned over, then they could purchase their own guns.

It will at once suggest itself to your Excellency, that this is a most valuable and patriotic offer on the part of these gentlemen.

In a City the size of Charlotte, there are a great many conditions which arise or may arise, demanding some military company. Such conditions have arisen here and in other places in North Carolina within the last few years. If all of the National Guard are gone, we will then have nobody to call on.

The Committee of the Junior Order meets on Monday night. I will have to leave the City Friday afternoon, this week. If you could reply by that time, I would appreciate it. If not, at any rate by Monday. so your reply can be read then

With assurances of regard, I am,

Very truly yours,