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President Hill,
A. & M. College,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Sir:

Last summer when we found that Alabama had given thirty per cent of the Smith-Lever Fund directly to its Negro citizens and that Virginia had also made direct provisions for its Negro citizens for a portion of this fund, we felt confident that North Carolina would be equally as liberal to us; so we began some publications, a bulletin and news letter for free distribution among farmers with whom we desired closer and constant contact. We felt this extension work would help us very much and would also enable us to give very material help and information to the Negro farmers of the State.

We were disappointed about getting the consideration from North Carolina we had hoped to receive. Our gross appropriation is $3,000.00 per year less than formerly. We are forced to reduce expenses. Under present conditions we cannot continue the extension work we had started, but before abandoning this work, we felt that possibly it might be well to appeal to you for some help.

Could it not be arranged so that we could get about $25.00 per month from this Smith-Lever Fund for the sole purpose of continuing our bulletin and news letter to farmers? You remember in the Governor's office there was a sort of tentative understanding that we would get some help from you. Could not that offer to help us assume some tangible form in this direction? Of course if any such assistance should be given, we would expect to submit an itemized statement to you or to the authorities showing the expenses to be exclusively for the purpose indicated.

I hope this matter may receive your careful consideration and assure you I would thank you for your advice.

Very truly yours,

