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To Govenor of North Carolina
Hon. Locke Craig.

Your Honor:-

We a few of the Citizens of Northampton County, of the State of North Carolina, beg leave to inform your Honor that it is definitely known that the colored population are meeting in groups of from three to seven hundred strong, within this county for some purpose or purposes unknown to us. The meeting places are not the accustomed gathering grounds but are in the wooded sections.

It has come to us from one of their color that they intend bringing about an insurrection against the Landlords to cause them much trouble if not to kill them. It is further learned that they threaten to lay waste the property, destroy the railroads, cut the telephone, telegraph wires and take full possess of everything. These things are not conjecture but can be firmly established with regard to source of information.

The extent of this movement is unknown to us, certainly it extends throughout the whole of Northampton Co. The old slaves, together with certain citizens who reside near the town of Conway have been our sources of information.

We, therefore, beg that an investigation of these meetings be inagurated to ferret out the motives which seem to indicate an uprising. We learn from one negro that should one divulge any secret pertaining to their meetings that such one will be punished by death. We recommend that a detective be sent here at once to establish or rectify these reports since they are causing the citizens no little concern. The situation demands a speedy investigation and we earnestly request one.