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Rev. W. A. Newell,
Weaverville, N.C.

My dear Mr. Newell:

I am delighted to know that you and the students of Weaver College are taking such great interest in the monument to Dr. Mitchell to be erected on Mitchell's Peak. I would be highly gratified for the students of Weave College to erect this monument, and it would be most proper for them to do so, with what assistance can be obtained from other sources. I have been thinking of the monument, and have decided to have one erected there. I do not exactly know where I would get the money, [illegible] I would get it from some source. But, as I said above, I would be gratified for Weaver College to erect it, provided a suitable monument be erected. Before agreeing that any structure should be placed upon the state's land, all the plans of the monument must be submitted to, and approved by me. I have no doubt that you contemplate a suitable memorial. Neither the man nor the place would permit us to erect any other than an imposing and substantial monument. It should in my opinion, as you said, but buit of the granite to be found on the mountain. I think it should be built somewhat in the form of a pyramid, with the sides perhaps a little steeper than the usual pyramid. It should be flat on top, so that people could safely stand on it, and it should be high enough to permit them to see above the surrounding trees. I have not much idea what such a structure would cost, but in my opinion it would cost in the neighborhood of five thousand dollars. If any other plan of a monument other than the one I have suggested should be approved by competent architects, or by a commission to be appointed to superintend the erection, I have no doubt that I would readily agree to such plan.

If, in your opinion the students of Weaver College will undertake to erect such a monument as I contemplate, I would be glad to cooperate with you. If you think that the undertaking is too great for Weaver College, I would welcome your cooperation in any plans that I might set on foot. I greatly admire the spirit that you and the students of Weaver College have manifested in this matter, and when the monument is erected, your college should and will receive proper recognition from the people of the state.

With the highest regards,

Yours sincerely,
