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Gov. Locke Craig,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Governor:-

I notice that a delegation appeared before you this week asking that certain things be done which would necessarily change the location of the Central Highway. At this time one branch of this High Way comes by Mooresville and the other goes by Statesville. This arrangement is very satisfactory to our people. In fact I saw Mr. Varner and asked him to use his influence so that both Mooresville and Statesville would be on the High Way. That arrangement brought about a good state of feeling between the Towns that has been for the best interest of both Towns and the county at large. I trust that nothing will be done to interfere with the present location.

I understand that our Statesville freinds have some feeling toward Varner on account of his stand about convicts working on rail roads. I am sorry they feel so about it. I should hate to see the convicts taken from the Statesville Air Line R.R. and hope that it will not seem best to you to order it done. This Rail Road will not benefit our Town at all but it will help the county and I am for it.

Before anything is done to change our present arrangement, we would like to be heard.

Very respectfully,