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His Excellency the Governor caused to be laid before the House a Letter from Mr. McCulloch Deputy Auditor in Relation to an Instruction from his Majesty directing that all publick Accounts Shod. be audited by the Auditor General or his Deputy in which the said Mr. McCulloch informs his Excellency that no Accounts of publick Money have ever been produced to be audited by him except what had been produced by the Receiver of the Quit Rents, all other Accounts having been pass'd in the Assembly.

Resolved That a Message be sent to his Excellency the Governor acquainting him that all publick Monies raised by Tax on the People have ever heretofore been accounted for by the persons appointed by Act of Assembly for receiving the same to a Committee nominated and appointed by the Council and Assembly for such purposes, And on their Report the Accounts have been examined in open Assembly, and concurred with by the Council, and then enter’d in Books and lodged with the Clerk of the Assembly, who never has refused Copies to any person who applied for the same to their Knowledge.

Jno. Campbell, Speaker

By Order

Wm. Herritage Clk
