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His Excellency, the Governor,
Hon. T. W. Bickett, Raleigh, N.C.

Most Esteemed Sir:-

You will pardon me please and acceipt this as an addition to the letter under registered mail.

(6) It is impossible for me to get some one with whom you are acquainted to further endorse me. We feel this would be a bar to the propsition to require at this junction such endorsments. We acknowledge that you are the Excuitive officer of our commonwealth and vested with the appointing power. But we feel that you are to broad to allow any appointment to be considered a mistake.

(7) The evidence upon which you made the appointment was sufficent to warrent your signature, in the first place, therefore we feeel that you will kindly review the case, and take a position for the appointment untill immoral evidences is the basis for the unqualifing of the appointee.

(8) It is an established fact that my appointment will not at the very least affect the white race. And I have spent $25.00-- for the purpose of this office in seal and letterheading. Now I am at an unnecessary expense with no reward.

I repeat; that this is a stand as an American citizen, and not as a Negro; to serve my people. I sincerely desire to serve my people in this capicity as I have unquestionablly meet the State requirment. When you advise me I will returm my check to your Secretary.

Let me thank you in advance for the review of the case and legal stand as I beg to remain,

Yours very truly,

P.S.:- If you desire to have a conference with me I will appreciate fixing a date in June to meet you in your office.

A. H. N.,