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Mr. Santford Martin, Private-Secretary,
To His Execellency-the-Govenor,
Raleigh, N.C.

My dear Sir:-

Referring to yours of the Nineteenth, I beg to advise that the matter is considered cancelled, and no further investigation, or comment by me will be had.

And under the prevailing circumstances I deem it wise to advise further that I feel no discrimination at your hands, but simply acting in keeping with invariable rules.

Then I have no feelings whatever toward the court for its attitude, as the clerk was endeavoring to maintain the integrity of his office. He reserves that right under the law. Not that I would not have proven worthy, but it would have been an unusual case for a man of my race in this county to serve as Notary Public. It might not have served, the best thing for the friendly relation of the two races, however simple the appointment may be termed. And I am for peace, freindship, and the good will of my white neighbors.

Lastly; I want to repeat for emphasis; I feel no degree of discrimination on account of my race, or do I think you are impressed that I could not further qualify. But all things seemingly expedient is not wise.

Now you have my highest appreciation for the generosity tender in this matter, I beg to remain,

Yours very truly,