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Mr. Santford Martin,
Private Secretary to
His Execellency, the Governor,
Raleigh, N.C.,

My dear Sir:-

Allow me please to again call your attention to the non-administration of the oath by the Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County. I wrote His Execellency the Governor this A.M., by special delivery as I felt quiet an injusted had been done. And indeed a reflection upon the highest office of our State.

Here is the point I am urgently requesting; as I reconize that the appointment has been legally made, that you will see to it that this matter is not delayed after I have gone to the expense to secure seal, and read just (having letter headings printed) literature to suit the occasion.

Had their been any question as to my character (and I challenge any man, white or black to bring a pens' weight against against my character; these thirty-eight years in this world) why I would not dare press this matter. I press it from the stand point of citizenship; and of good morals. Backed with a certificate of men of character, brains, and money who dare not stand by their recommendation, if I were not of character.

Now this is in no degree an expression of feeling, but as a means of vindication. I feel that the gentlemen thinks he has porceeded the proper course, and that he is only trying doubtless, in his methods to protect his office. Why I would always endeavor to protect myself where cases were doubtful, but never doubtful with the signuture of the Governor, and the great seal of our State.

However I am leaving the matter before you gentlemen for reply at an early date, as I remain,

Yours very truly,