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As I understand Mr William Brimages Claims, as an American Loyal Sufferer, will very soon come before you, I beg leave to Certify, that I first knew that Gentleman as an Attorney at Law, in the Province of North Carlina in the year 1766.

That I always considered him as a Man of Probity, and as Such in the year 1769, appointed him Judge of the Court of Vice Admiralty, (as appears by the Commission) and which he held during my Administration to my Satisfaction. That I have been informed, and understood from ^that^ the commencement of the Rebellion, his Loyalty was uniform and unimpeached. That I have also been informed, and believe it to be true; That in the year 1777 he suffered a severe and rigorous imprisonment in consequence of his active Loyalty; and was afterwards banished, the Province for refusing to take and subscribe to their State Oaths. Under these Circumstances I take the liberty to recommend Mr Brimages ^Case^ as worthy your ^attentive^ Consideration. I have the honor to be Gentlemen

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