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Josiah Harrison came before us Justices Assigned to keep the Peace for this County & being duly Sworn on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God deposeth & saith, that about a forthnight agoe Daniel Legate called at his house, & took ^him^ along the path Legate asked him to swear to secrecy & he would tell him a Secret. This Deponent agreed & Legate swore him, Legate then gave him a three notched Stick & gave him the sign BE. TRU. He told him he would tell him no more at that time but ^untill^ they met again, he would then inform him further. This deponent further saith that a day or two afterwards he met Legate in his Fathers field, Legate then sw read to him the Constitution & swore him again & gave the Sign I.N.R.I. & further this deponent saith not


Josiah X Harrison


Josiah Harrison principal £100

Jonathan Davis Security £100

to appear at the next Court of Oyer & terminer to be held at Edenton

Sworn & acknowledged before us Archd Corrie J.P Chas. Johnson