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On the 1st. of January last, I signified to You that by the Dispatches, I had received the preceding day from His Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State, it was the King’s firm Resolution, steadily to Support his Allies, and to prosecute the War with the utmost Vigor; and that in Consequence of this Resolution, I made no doubt but You should soon receive, His Majesty’s Requisition for such a number of men from Your Province, as should be thought requisite, to Answer the proposed End of procuring a good & lasting Peace.

This Requisition was, in fact, dispatched from the Secretary of State’s Office on the 17th. of December last, and I Conclude, sent on board the Leicester Packett, which sailed from Falmouth on the 29th. of said month, but being unfortunately taken in her passage, the Triplicates of those Dispatches, are but this moment arrived in His Majesty’s Sloop Tamer, and Mr. President Colden, to whom they have been Delivered, is to forward them without Delay.

To the Governors of Maryland, Virginia No. & So. Carolina—instead of the words underlined the following. As large a Body of men, as the number and Situation of its Inhabitants may allow. It remains therefore with me, after this unexpected & unlucky detainder, most Earnestly to Entreat You, to make up for this loss of time, in immediately upon receipt thereof Convening Your Assembly, & Laying before them, the aforesaid Letter of the Secretary of State, And that You will forthwith Use Your utmost Endeavors & Influence with the Council & Assembly, to Induce them to raise with all possible Dispatch within Your Government, Two Thirds of the Number of men they raised for the last Campaign.

The King’s Reasons for His Majesty’s Requisition of this further aid from His faithfull American subjects, are too Obvious and too Clearly pointed out, by the aforesaid Circular Letter of His Secretary of State to need any additional Enforcement; and Yet I cannot refrain from repeating a recommendation which ought, & Doubt not will, have with it all the weight and Impression, which from its prudence & sagacity, it has a Just right to Expect, since it proceeds from that Spirited View of Reducing the Enemy to the necessity of accepting a Peace on terms of Glory and Advantage to His Majesty’s Crown and beneficial in particular to His subjects in America to which great & Essential Object, nothing can certainly so Effectually Contribute, as the King’s being Enabled to Employ, as immediately as may be, such part of the Regular Forces in North America, as may be adequate to some great, & Important Enterprize against the Enemy.

To the Governors of Maryland, Virginia No. & So. Carolina, instead of the words underlined the following. As large a Body of men, as the number and Situation of its Inhabitants may allow. I firmly rely and trust that Your Province will upon this Occasion And as such are the King’s Resolutions, and that His Majesty the better to provide for the full and Entire security of his Dominions in No. America, and particularly of the possession of his Conquests there during the absence of such part of the Regular Forces to be Employed on the aforesaid Enterprize, has Desired that the several Provinces and Colonies of this Continent should forthwith raise two thirds of the Number of men they raised the last Campaign. I cannot, from the past Zeal I have Experienced upon all former occasions on the part of Your Province, but firmly rely and trust that it will upon this Exert itself to its Utmost, and that I shall have the satisfaction to report to His Majesty how Chearfully it has Acquiesced with his Recommendation.

Nothing therefore now remains for me to add, than that You will Observe by the aforesaid Circular Letter of the Secretary of State, that as a further Encouragement to such Exertion on the part of the Provinces, His Majesty has Ordered as heretofore, that the Provincial Forces should be Victualled in the Same manner, and in the same proportions as the Regulars; And that they should be supplied with Arms & Tents at the Expence of the Crown; moreover, that Strong Recommendations will be made to Parliament in their session next Year to grant a Compensation to the Provinces for the Expences they may be at on this occasion according as their respective Vigor & strenuous Efforts shall Justly appear to merit. I must therefore, as this aid of Troops will be immediately wanted, most Reriously recommend it to You, to obtain them from the Assembly without loss of time, and to hold them in readiness to march wheresoever I may have Occasion for them, upon the first notice You shall receive from me for that purpose—

I have it also in Command from His Majesty to Enjoin You, to Collect and Cause to be put into proper Condition, All the Serviceable Arms that can be found within Your Province; for every one of which that shall be brought to the Field, and Shall not return by reason of being spoiled or lost in actual Service, I shall pay the Usual allowance of Twenty five shillings per firelock.

As it is very Essential to the Services I have in Command from the King, that I should be, as Early as possible, Informed of the Resolves of Your Assembly on this head, and of the time that the Troops will be ready I beg that as Soon as You are acquainted therewith, You will signify the same to me by Express, that I may Regulate myself accordingly.

I am, with great regard,



N:B: The Like Letter to the Governors of Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island, Connecticutt, New York, New Jersey, Pensilvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina & South Carolina.

Circular to the Govrs. of Newhampshire, Massachusetts bay, Rhode Island, Connecticutt, New York, New Jersey, Pensilvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina & South Carolina.
New York, 15th. March 1761.