A Hymn to be sun on the Day of Thanksgiving to the 100 Psalm Tune.
To God, our God's Almighty Name
Let Britons all their Voice raise,
And publish by the Mouth of fame
In Songs of Joy our Saviour's Praise.
For when surrounded and at Bay
By mighty powers 'gainst Britain join'd,
Our Allies Countrey made a prey,
By papal pow'rs jointly combin'd,
Then Christ our God commenced his Reign,
And o'er our Councils did preside,
Did o're our Fleets and Armies deign
To rule, and all their Actions guide.
The glorious Dawn, the Morning Star,
Which ushers in the Sun of Light
Thro' the bright Glade extended far,
And vanquished all the Powers of Night.
His Church from papal Thraldom freed
And Gallic Powers united Force,
His Great Vicegerent he decreed
O'er Britain's isle to steer his Course
From Wood the British Lion roars
uprears the Christian sanguine Cross,
O'er Eagle, Beast, triumphant soars
With Angels, riding the white horse.
The happy Era now is nigh
When Gentile Isles receive their King,
When the Earth's utmost Bounds with Joy
In hymns our Saviour's Praises sing
Let Glory be to God on high,
And on Earth peace, Good will to Man
Hallelujah to our God is nigh,
His Day of Rest is now began.
The Kingdoms of this World begin
To be the Realms of God and Christ;
From the false Prophet, Beat and Sin
For ever freed, and false high Priest.
Now our Redemption is disclosed,
In Heaven's bright Temple long confin'd,
The Cov'nant made with Man exposed,
Decree of the eternal Mind.
Now Angels charged with Vials dire
Of God's great Wrath 'gainst papal Beast,
Are poured forth in God's great Ire
O'er Beast, false Prophet, Heathen Priest.
Let Angels then in Chorus sing
With us in Hymns of Joy abroad
Hosanna to our Saviour King,
Hosanna to his Christ our God.
in Govr. Dobbs's of Octr. 31st. 1759