New Bern May 19th 1759—
I am informed that a Person called John or James Gordon was some time ago apprehended by Richard Coldshare of Verginia and was Committed to Goal of Philadelphia by the mayor of that City; He was concerned He was the principal Person Concerned in Murdering John Webb of flat River n this Province in october last, and afterwards in robbing his House; he was taken in Virginia but made his Escape but one of his accomplices was convicted and hanged. I must therefore desire that you would have him transmitted to this Province by water in Irons, as he was the Head of a Gang of Robbers Either to Edenton or Cape Fear; for which the Captain of the vessel shall be paid upon delivering him to a Magistrate, upon producing your Order of Transmittal from Philadelphia.
The Assembly met here and have been prorogued without passing an Aid Bill; the Council having rejected it for talking Clauses foreign to it, to encroach upon the Proragative and also the Rights of the Council; I send you the News Papers which Contain the Speech and addresses. I am sorry to find that they incline to follow the example of the Assemblies n the Proprietary Governments. I return in a day or two to Cape Fear where I Reside where I shall be pleased to hear from you—I am with Truth and Esteem
yr Honors
Most Obedient Humble
Arthur Dobbs
19 May. 1759
Govr Dobbs