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Since I Sent the Express last Tuesday to yr Excellcy. I Received a private Letter from New Bern with some more particulars from Lewisburgh and having the opportunity of a Sloop going from hence to Charlestown I Send you a Copy of the Paragraph viznew Bern 22d July 1758 Last night Captn. McNair arrived here from the Bar, and by a vessel from Rhode Island (just before he left the Bar) which had a Short passage Brought a publick Paper with an account of the preceedings of our Army at Cape Breton until the 27th of June; and at that time we had taken the grand and Island Batteries and Expected Lewisburg to be in our Hands by the 1st of July, the officers and men in high Spirits, and that they were in hopes to be at Quebec by the latter End of JulyThe Govr. of Lewisburg Seeing what must be the consequence of its being in the Enemys Hand, prudently put his Wife and daughter and most valuable Effects on Board a frigate, and Sent her to France, She went off in the Night, and unfortunately for the Governr. one of our men of war Chased and took her, the Garrison was very Strong they had near 11000 french and Indians intrenched to oppose our Landing; the main Body landed at Some distance from them and a few opposite to them, So that they were flanked. They had but 3 men of War besides frigates in the Harbour after we took the Batteries we turned their guns against their Ships, and a Bomb luckily fell on the Stern of the Admirals Ship which Blew up her Stern with the Admiral and many others, I Hope great part of this may be depended upon as other vessels brought Boston papers of the 10th of Julyas you maynt have Ship from the north ward I could not neglect this opportunity of acquainting you with it

I am with due Regard Sr

yr Excellencys

 Most Obedient Humble


Arthur Dobbs