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North Carolina ss.

To His Excellency Arthur Dobbs Esqr. Captn. General Governor and Commander in Chief in and over His Majestys Province of North Carolina

The Address of the Assembly of the sd. Province


We His Majesty's most Dutifull & Loyal Subjects the Assembly of North Carolina, return you hearty thanks for your Speech at the Opening of this Session. 

We entertain a most grateful sense of His Majestys goodness, in sending a large Armament at an Extraordinary Expence to repel our inveterate and perfiduous Enemies from their Unjustifiable Encroachments on this Continent; and to secure to us the peaceable possession of our Religion Liberties and Properties, and we Should be wanting in our duty to the best of Kings to our Constituents, Selves and Posterity were we to Neglect the Present Opportunity of Exerting our Selves to the Utmost, in Sending forces to Join the regular Troops of His Majesty, and those of the other Colonies in the Execution of a Scheme which if (through the favour of Providence) Attended with Success, will be Productive of the most happy Consequences to all His Majestys American Dominions. 

At the same time give us leave to Assure your Excelly. that it gives us Inexpressible concern to find, that the Inhabitants of this Government are so Impoverished by the frequent Aids granted to His Majesty during the present War, to protect this Province and Assist in the Defence of Virginia New York, and South Carolina (which Amount to above Forty Shillings each Taxable, and are much more than the Currency Circulating Among us) that 'tis Impossible for us to give such demonstrative proofs of our Zeal and Ardour as we could wish; However, Notwithstanding the Indigency of the Country, we shall with dispatch and Alacrity prepare a Bill for Augmenting the number of Forces now in the pay of this Province and Transporting, and paying them when joined to His Majestys other Forces under the Command of Brigadier General Forbes. 

The other Matters recommended to us by your Excelly. we Shall Consider with that Attention their Importance Deserves, and pursue such Measures as may tend to Secure the future Safety and Happiness of the Province. 

Saml Swann Speakr.

By Order
Wm Herritage Clk


North Carolina
Address of the Assembly to the Govr.

Reced with the Govrs. Letter of 30th. April 1758.

