New Bern
17. April 1758
I have your favour of the 28th. of March—As to the fixing the Postage of Letters I am afraid it can't be expected for some time, and therefore the Assembly here granted £160 this Currency to have all Letters carried into and through this Province from Suffolk in Virginia to Wilmington for which no person residing in this province is to pay any postage in this Province, and therefore I think if any post is kept up from Charlestown to this Province or the Northward they shou'd be allowed a sufficient Sum from your Province between Mr. Timothy and Mr. Toomer in Wilmington to carry the Letters, and none of the Inhabitants of South Carolina to pay for their Letters until a proper Regulation can be made by the postmasters to the Northward, otherwise the Southern Post must drop, for Toomer who took it up upon Faris Death depending upon a share of that £50 must have suffered extreamly, and must give it up. Upon receiving his Majesty's Orders I immediately summoned the Assembly to meet here the 25th. instant, but we shall be too late to raise Troops for this year's Service unless to replace the 3 Companies we have on foot here that we may send these abroad. I am with great Regard
Your Excellency's
most obedient and
most hble Servt.
Arthur Dobbs