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I was extreamly surprized today with an application from two Men, who have held lands for several years by virtue of Grants from this Government, to know how they should conduct themselves with regard to Ejectments that have been served upon them from No. Carolina and to which you yourself are a party; a step of this sort which can tend to Nothing but to throw both Provinces into Confusion, taken precipitably and unseasonably by you Sir, to whom the tranquillity of one is Entrusted, both afflicts and Astonishes me, but you have indeed relieved me from the pain of doubting over or deliberating, one resolution only was left me to take, one general order to Issue, and that is already done: a principle of candour and a sincere desire to prevent the mischiefs that may ensue induces me to communicate to you by express, That I have strictly enjoined a Magistrate to Employ any lawfull means to protect & secure the persons and properties of all those that are settled under the sanction of this Government; I have order'd the people concerned to treat the Ejectments with the Contempt they deserve, and in no respect to acknowledge the Jurisdiction of No. Carolina. I was in great hopes that you would have been contented to have waited the decision of our superiors upon a Subject which you and I, are neither competent, or Impartial Judges of, but if you have too much in impetuousity to wait this determination, I have too little tameness to submit implicitly to yours, and I really flatter myself that when I communicate this transaction to the Lords of Trade, which I shall do immediately, that my proposals and requests which so plainly bespoke an inclination to preserve a harmony between the Colonies, will be full as acceptable to their Lordships, as your manifest indifference to a matter of so much moment, because a few paultry acres of your own are in question. I have the pleasure to Act on this occasion as to the concurrence and advice of his Majesty's Council, and have the Honour to be with great respect

Your Excellency's &c &c

Tho: Boone

So. Carolina.
The Govr. of So. Carolina his letter to Govr. Dobbs upon the revival of the boundary dispute.

Read 14 Decr. 1762.

M. 52.