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Copy of Governor Dobbs's Letter to Capt. Rogers


Having an Opportunity of sending ther from hence by a Gentleman residing in the Wateree in South Carolina, along with Letters to Governor Boone which he will Convey to Charlestown as I return tomorrow to Brunswick.

I am to aquaint you, that I met Major Bailey who was returning with his Recruits to Cape Fear where I Expect he is now with two Compleat Number raised in this province and in case the Officer appointed to receive them off his Hands be still at Charlestown, be so good as to aquaint them with it that he may go according to Sir Jeffery Amherst's Letter to pay them the former Bounty &c; which I hope will be Come by the time of my Arrival at Brunswick, lest they should desert before they are taken on Board.

I am &ca.

(Signed) Arthur Dobbs