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<Letter from the Secry to Govr. Dobbs inclosing an Order of His Majesty in Council repealing an Act passed in North Carolina in Decemr 1757, and also Copy of their Lordships Representation on said Act>

Arthur Dobbs Esqr. Governor of North Carolina.


I am directed by the Lords Commissioners for Trade & Plantations to send you the inclosed Order of His Majesty in Council, <Bundle> dated August 10th. 1759, repealing an Act passed in the Province of North Carolina in Decemr. 1757, intituled, "An Act to impower the Justices of the Supreme Courts to take the Acknowledgment or Proof of Deeds, and for allowing them a Salary;” and that you may be informed of the Reasons, on which the said Order was founded, I am likewise directed to send you at the same time a Copy of their Lordships Representations to His Majesty upon the said Act.

I am,


Your most obedt.

& most humble Servt.

John Pownall
