Pursuant to Special Orders No. 299 1/2 AGO NC 1920, the Board of Officers appointed therein, met at Camp Glenn, North Carolina, on September 21, 1920, and proceeded to make a careful survey of the entire Camp site, including all buildings thereon, and after due consideration the Board unanimously agreed upon a plan which includes changes in location of certain buildings. (See attached sketch market Exhibit A.)
The Board made the following recommendations:
1. The buildings now on the Camp site, erected by the Navy, are not suitably arranged for a camp of an organization of the National Guard, and it is necessary to change the location of certain buildings to conform to a Regimental Camp.
2. That certain buildings be moved to complete a row of fifteen buildings along the North side of the Camp site and paralleling the railroad track. Such buildings to be used as kitchens and mess hall and located at the end of each Company street.
3. That the men be quartered in tents and that a sufficient number of tent floor and frames be constructed to accommodate the enlisted personnel.
4. That certain smaller buildings erected some years ago by the State be removed to the South side of the camp site and placed at the head of each Company street, to b used as Company Headquarters including a 1st Sergeants room and storage facilities for Company equipment.
5. That the building known as the "Galley" remain in its present location for use as a recreation hall, moving picture show and canteen.
6. That the four surplus buildings be suitably placed for Regimental and Battalion Headquarters and for quarters of Officers.
7. That two bath houses and Latrines be rebuilt in proper location in rear of mess halls, giving a bath and latrine, one to each Battalion and one for separate Units.
8. That the Adjutant General be authorized and directed to take charge of this work, arrange to have same done either by contract or by such arrangement as will best serve the State at the least cost and to complete with the least practical delay.
9. That the cost of these changes and improvements be paid from the National Guard appropriation, and charged to maintenance and upkeep of Camp Glenn.
J. Van B. Metts Brig Genl
Francis A. Macon Maj. Genl (Retired)
Don E. Scott Colonel
Gordon Smith Major