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Hon. Robt. W. Gorrell, Mayor,
Winston-Salem, N.C.

My dear Mr. Gorrell:-

I desire to congratulate you and all the officials and law abiding citizens of Winston-Salem on the intelligent and courageous manner in which the sanctity of the law was upheld in the recent trouble in your city. The case is a tragic illustration of the insanity of a mob, and how the lives of innocent people are always imperilled when the mob spirit prevails. It is to be earnestly hoped that all the people of the State will learn from this tragedy that safety for the innocent can only be assured by the strict observance of the law. The law will always punish any man who violates a woman in North Carolina. It has never failed to do it. The guilty cannot possibly escape, and the mob so often reeks its vengeance, intentionally or unintentionally upon the innocent.

Very truly yours,
