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Executive Committee League to Enforce Peace,
70 Fifth Avenue, New York City.

Regret duties here make it impossible to attend meeting. Am profoundly convinced that whatever is done to graft the principles of our League on the governments of the world must be done at the Peace Conference soon to convene. This is our opportunity and the last one that will come in this generation to get every first class power in the world to sign a document that will send militarism to the scrap heap for all time. It is plain as day that the only way to secure this glorious consummation is to throw all the power and the influence of our League to the support of the President of the United States in his avowed determination to make the League of Nations the most virile factor in the great world treaty of peace. Junkers, dominated by avarice or ambition, will scheme to make the League of Nations a toothless baby. It is our duty to see to it that when the treaty is written the League of Nations will stand forth as the giant of the earth. Therefore I urge the Executive Committee to pass ringing resolutions pledging to the President of the United States every atom of influence we can command in support of the principles laid down by the President in his New York speech of September twenty-seventh.

(Charge to Executive Dept.
State of N.C.)