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Mr. R. C. Norfleet,
State Fuel Administrator,
Winston-Salem, N.C.

My dear Mr. Norfleet:-

The State of North Carolina has been in the habit of purchasing its coal through a local firm. This firm is utterly unable to secure the coal although it promises to do so during the months of June and July. The State needs, and indeed is absolutely bound to have, if it continues to do business, the following coal:-

1. 650 tons of steam making coal, Run of the Mine. This coal is used in the large central heating plant that heats the Capitol building, the Supreme Court building, the State Departments building, and the Agricultural building. In these buildings all the business that centers around the Capitol is transacted, and you can see the supreme necessity for having them heated.

2. 60 tons of hard coal for use in heating the Executive Mansion. If it is impossible to get the hard coal, then we can use a high grade quality of Pocahontas lump coal. Of course you understand that the Executive Mansion is not a private residence, but a public institution. The General Assembly will be in session this year, and a great deal of the business of the public will have to be transacted in the Executive Mansion.

I will greatly appreciate your taking this matter up vigorously and seeing to it that we get this coal at an early date. Of course, the State will pay for the coal promptly on delivery.

Very truly yours,
