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Mr. A. T. DeLap,
Sheriff Davidson County,
Lexington, N.C.

My dear Sheriff:-

I am advised that you are now actively engaged in apprehending delinquents and deserters in Davidson county. I desire to express to you my appreciation of your activity. The Clerk of the Superior Court of Davidson writes me that the reason you have not heretofore been very active in this matter is on account of the advice of Deputy Marshal McKenzie and District Attorney Hammer. This explanation is entirely satisfactory and acquits you of any negligence in the matter.

I trust that you will get all good citizens of Davidson to co-operate with you in inducing delinquents and deserters to voluntarily come in and surrender, and if they do so I will be glad to give them such a letter of recommendation to the military authorities as you may suggest. When we have exhausted our efforts in this direction, then I want us to go vigorously after any parties who refuse to come in, as it is my fixed purpose to send every North Carolina deserter back to camp, peaceably if I can; forcibly if I must.

Very truly yours,
