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Circular Letter to all His Majesty's Governors in America, acquainting them that Paquet Boats are established for carrying on a Correspondence with this Kingdom.

To Charles Lawrence Esqr. Lt. Govr. of Nova Scotia.


The Post Master General having in obedience to His Majesty's Commands provided Vessels for the carrying on a regular monthly Correspondence with His Majesty's American Colonies, I am directed by the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations to acquaint you therewith, and that the first of these Vessels will be dispatched for the Continent on the 15th. of this Month, to go and return between Falmouth and New York, where the first Vessel is to remain twenty days. And as it is of great importance to His Majesty's Service, that their Lordships should have frequent and certain Intelligence of the true State of all His Majesty's Colonies and Plantations in America, their Lordships desire, that you will not fail of acquainting them by the Return of every Paquet with all publick Occurrences, which may happen in the Province under your Government; and likewise transmit to their Lordships all such publick Papers as are required to be transmitted. 

I am,


Your most obedient

humble Servant.

John Pownall 


A like Letter was writ to all the other Govrs. of His Majesty's Colonies on the Continent of America. And 

A like Letter to the Govrs. of His Majesty's Islands in the West Indies, except that instead of the Words, "For the Continent on the 15th. of this Month, to go and return between Falmouth & New York, where the first Vessel is to remain twenty days," the following Words were used, "For the Islands on the 8th. of this Month, and will take the usual Course of Barbados, Antigua, Montserrat, Nevis, St. Christophers, & Jamaica." 
