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Hon. W. C. Hammer,
U. S. District Attorney,
Asheboro, N.C.

My dear Mr. Hammer:-

Replying to yours of the 18th I beg to advise that the proper course for you to pursue in the case of a deserter is to have a United States Marshal or the Sheriff of the county arrest the deserter and deliver him to the nearest military station. You would deliver these prisoners to Charlotte and they would then be transferred to Camp Greene at Charlotte. If you know the camp from which the prisoner deserted it would be well to take him direct to that camp, although any military post would receive him. All the expenses incident to his arrest and delivery to the military authorities will be paid by the Federal Government.

With regard to the improper classification of registrants by local exemption boards, I beg to say that the Government appeal agent ought to appeal in every case where there is favoriteism or prejudice shown.

Very sincerely yours,
