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To the Local Exemption Board,
Henderson, N.C.


I am in receipt of a letter from Mrs. David C. Hardee, 212 Pettigrew St. Henderson, who says that her husband is twenty-eight years old and refuses to contribute anything to the support of herself and her children. You will please treat this communication from her as confidential, but I want you to take steps at once to have this man put in Class I, sub-section B and sent to the front at the earliest date possible. If he shall come up hereafter and offer to take care of the wife and children you will please pay no attention whatever to his promises nor to anything that the wife may say. He ought to be given a chance to die for his country and support his wife and children at the same time. He is one man that I take genuine joy in sending to the front, and I will personally appreciate it if you will take prompt, vigorous and relentless action in this case. This party’s address is Norfolk, Va., Berkley Works, Route 4, Box 113.

Very truly yours,
