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Hon. T. W. Bickett, Governor,
Raleigh, North Carolina.

My dear Sir:-

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of January 7th, with which you inclose one from Mr. George E. Scott, Charlotte, North Carolina, who desires to have his son admitted to the Officers’ Training Camp.

The unfortunate circumstances which exclude Mr. Scott’s son from the camp on account of his age are regretted, however, as a man can not be commissioned in the line sections of the Officers Reserve Corps, until he attains the age of twenty one years, it would be useless to send young Scott, for even if he did complete the course satisfactorily, he could not be commissioned, and would only take the place of some other candidate, who was of age and could be commissioned at the close of the camp.

There will doubtless be future camps conducted somewhat similar to the present ones, and I trust Mr. Scott’s son may be able to avail himself of some one of these opportunities.

I am returning Mr. Scott’s letter herewith.

Very respectfully,

H. P. McCain
The Adjutant General.

1 Incl.