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Honorable T. W. Bickett,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Governor:-

I am obliged to trouble you again with reference to the Weeks case, about which I spoke to you some time ago in Charlotte. I followed the case up to Washington and General Crowder referred it back to General Young. I understand with power to act in the matter, or at least order the boy’s discharge. General Young telephoned me that he was forwarding the papers to the Commanding Officer at Camp Jackson, Columbia, S.C., recommending that Weeks be released. I have just received a letter from young Weeks, in which he says that if you will write a letter to the Commanding Officer at Camp Jackson, requesting that he be released that it will be done immediately. In order that you may know exactly the facts upon which his parents claim his release, I am enclosing you herewith a copy of the affidavit made by his mother. I will take it as a great personal favor if you will at once address a letter to the Commanding Officer at Camp Jackson, at least approving the releasing of Mr. Weeks.

With high personal regards, I am,

Yours very truly,

J. D. McCall


Enclosure: 1918, Oct. 24. Affidavit of Mrs. M. P. Weeks.