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Local Ex Bd Pitt
Appeal [handwritten at top]

Mr. A. Trencher,
Greenville, N.C.

My dear Sir:-

Your letter of December 24th just received. If you have any charges to make against J. J. Laughinghouse I will be glad to have them investigated by the War department. Please set up the things done by Capt. Laughinghouse in regard to S. D. Tucker’s boy, the Langley boys and the son of Capt. Laughinghouse and I will have the facts carefully investigated. Capt. Laughinghouse was recommended by me to the War Department because of his record as a brave Confederate soldier, patriotic to the last degree. I served in the General Assembly of 1907 with him, and while he was disposed to be somewhat violent in his prejudices at times, I never heard any human being question his integrity.

I confess that from your letter I get the impression that you have constrituted yourself the keeper of my conscience as well as the keeper of the conscience of Capt. Laughinghouse. Your readiness to condemn me when I have no earthly interest in the matter save to give to the Government and the people an absolutely square deal raises a presumption in my mind that you are not overly careful in condemning Capt. Laughinghouse.

If any selected man has a grievance against a local board he can submit it to the District Board where full justice will be done.

Very truly yours,
