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A. and T. College,

Dear Friend:--

We are sending your son’s report for March. We hope it will please and encourage you. We are centainly encouraged by the many kind letters we have received in response to former reports. We shall do all we can to continue constant improvement.

In view of the unusual times through which we are passing, permit me to warn you that wreckless speech and apparently disloyal actions, that might not attract attention ordinarily, will lead to arrest and serious trouble. Please caution your friends.

Now that our country has engaged in war, we must preserve the record for loyalty that has always distinguished our race. Every person must do his duty. Those who cannot serve in the Army and Navy can serve in the back yards and unused fields and thereby aid in keeping our country from famine and starvation. There never has been such a serious condition for food supplies as exists today The Government is calling upon every boy and girl to plant some vegetables such as peaes and potatoes and help relieve the situation. This work is as important as that done by the soldiers on the battle-fields.

Next month is the most important month of the session and we would urge your son’s attendance through May.

Very truly yours,

James B. Dudley,


A copy of this letter was sent to every patron of the college including Prof. Jordan.