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Dear Friend:--

The rumors afloat implying that Negroes are being influenced by secret agents of the German Government, and that their migration to the North and elsewhere is in anyway connected with German conspirators, if left unchallenged, justify a serious reflection upon the loyalty of our race and may work many embarrassments and serious injustices. The Negroes here should clearly state their loyalty to the Government and their denial that the exodus of the Negroes is in any way an act of disloyalty to our Government. Several prominent citizens of Greensboro, both white and colored, and one of the daily papers, have suggested that some expression should be made by us.

Therefore, as President of the A. & T. College--an institution that represents both the state and national governments, I am calling upon the ministers, the teachers, and business men and women of our race to meet at the A. & T. College, Monday evening, April 9th, to make such expressions as in the judgment of the meeting the situation may demand. This meeting will be opened promptly at 8 o’clock and, subject to the approval of the meeting, will close at 9 o’clock. You and your friends are urged to come early.

Very truly yours,

Jas. B. Dudley,

A copy sent to representative Negroes of Greensboro.

Enclosed in: 1917, Aug. 6 Dudley to Bickett.