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Circular to the Govrs: in North America.


The Crops of Corn, having, from the Badness of the Season, last Year, greatly failed in many Parts of Great Britain, and Ireland, which makes a Supply thereof very much wanted, for which Reason Orders have been sent to purchase large Quantities in America; And It being apprehended, that the Ships loaded therewith, may not be able to sail on Account of the Embargo laid, in several Parts of America, by Lord Loudoun's Desire, on all Ships in general, by which means His Majesty's Dominions in Europe, may be greatly distressed, I am commanded to signify to You, The King's Pleasure, that You do immediately upon the Receipt of this Letter, cause any Embargo, that shall be then subsisting within Your Government, either in consequence of Lord Loudoun's Application to You, or of any Directions sent You, by the Board of Trade, to be taken off from all Vessels loaded with Corn, or any other Species of Grain, for Great Britain, and Ireland; And that You do take particular Care, that no future Embargo, which It may be thought expedient to lay, do extend to Vessels so loaded; but, on the contrary, You will give all proper Encouragement, and Assistance, to Persons, who shall be employed in the Purchasing and Shipping Corn, for the Supply of His Majesty's Dominions in Europe, taking Care, that they do give sufficient Security for Landing the Cargos at the Places for which they shall be designed, agreable to an Act of Parliament, passed this Session, Entitled, an Act to prohibit, for a limited Time, the Exportation of Corn, Grain, Meal, Malt, &ca. &ca., which Act has been transmitted to you by the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations. 

I am &ca.


Draught to the Govrs. in
North America
May 2d: 1757.
by Admty Sloop. Dupl. at
at same time by Ludlow Castle Man
of War.