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Dear Governor:

A great outrage has been perpetrated on this community and the State at large by the exemption of T. A. Avera, a young lawyer of this city, by the General Exemption Board of eastern N.C. Young Avera is a “slacker” pure and simple and nothing else. I understand that he filed his claim on the plea of a dependent mother which is absolutely false, except possibly in a technical sense. Mrs. Avera has a son who is Cashier of one of our leading Banks and lives with his morth and is fully able to look after her wants. Also Mrs. Avera has two married daughters in comfortable circumstances, who are also more than able to look after their mother, and still further, Mrs. Avera owns the house which she lives in, which is worth not less than $10,000.

It is claimed around town that Avera was exmepted because he is a lawyer, infact it has been intimated that he has had some powerful legal backing in this “slacker” or “yellow streak” business. Now Governor, to make a long story short, I am perfectly willing to send you a Cashier’s check for any reasonable amount to defray the expenses of any reliable man you would care to send to Rocky Mt. and investigate this matter for you. Wire or write me and I will send check immediately.

I would like for you to keep this letter confidentially, but if necessary make it public.

The exemption of Avera has created a very bad impression here in Rocky Mount.

With best wishes, I remain

Yours very respectfully,

(Signed) John C. Stout

To Gov. T. W. Bickett,
Raleigh, N.C.