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To The District Exemption Board,
Goldsboro, N.C.


In a letter to me from the Local Exemption Board in regard to Julian J. Lane it is stated:

“This party has no property-his wife has no property-her father has no property, but has a salary derived from the office as State Treasurer. If it became necessary he could and would take care of his daughter. She worked before her marriage and can make a living now if it be necessary for her to do so. In regard to this party having two brothers already in the service we take it (without any reflection on their patriotism) that they both have as good if not better jobs than they could get in private life.”

This statement confirms the report given by me to Chairman Langston in regard to the financial condition of Mr. Lacy, and I trust that you will carefully consider this statement in passing upon Mr. Lane’s appeal.

Very truly yours,
