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His Excellency Governor Bickett,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Sir:-

I would like to call to your attention and ask favorable action upon the appeal of J. Conrad Smith, colored, of Lincoln County. I am familiar with all the circumstances, as he was raised until he was twenty-one and after on my farm. He is an industrious negro, honest and reliable. He has a wife with a babe fifteen months old; he owns nothing in the world but his clothes and household furniture. If he is compelled to go, his wife and child must necessarily become a charge to the county, as his father has a large family of his own. Upon my appeal to the district board, they deferred the time for him to answer the call to the first of December.

Now, this prevents him from being able to contract for next year. The great need of the country is for food as well as soldiers. If he is exempted he can be relied upon to support his family and to raise a crop of which the Government can get a good share for army supplies.

I hope you can conclude to recommend his exemption.

Respectfully yours,

W. A. Graham