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Mr. W. T. Bicket,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Sir:

A married gentlemen that lives near me is drafted to go to war. But at present his wife is sick. When she is at her best she isn’t healthy. But in the condition she is now it is really serious. She is under a physician all the time.

She was in this condition once before and remained at the point of death for five weeks. And of course that makes her husband more uneasy about her this time.

So we would appreciate it so much if you would exempt him for sixty days until the worst is over.

I think he would have gotten exemption at the local board. But from what I understand somebody that has some hard feelings against him has talked to the local board and misrepresented things.

If you desire to investigate you can write his wife’s physician Dr. Raby at Tarboro, N.C., or any reliable citizen that is acquainted with him.

Hoping a prompt and favorable reply, I am,

Yours truly,

(Miss) Ruth Jones.

P.S. He is suposed to leave tomorrow. But I guess you can get in touch with him. His address is G. W. Martin Jr., Whitakers, N.C.