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Hon. T. W. Bickett,
Governor of North Carolina,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Sir:

I have to acknowledge receipt of yours of recent date, enclosing complaint from the local board of Davidson County, of the 28th inst. I am herewith enclosing you carbon copy of the letter which I have today written to the Chairman of this board, which is self explanatory.

The labors of our board are becoming more and more difficult and strenuous each day, so that I have practically had to close my law office, for the time being, in order to give the necessary time to the duties of my board. These labors would be greatly lightened, and our duties very much simplified, if each local board in the State were instructed from the headquarters at Raleigh to briefly state in every instance the grounds upon which the board either granted or refused to grant an exemption or discharge to a registrant.

As pointed out in my letter to Mr. Shaw, unless the boards do so, our duties must necessarily be more or less perfunctory, unless we can find something in the record in each case to guide us, independently of the action of the local board.

I trust you will take under serious consideration this matter, and if you do not think it is too late for the proper authorities, so instruct the local boards.

Very truly yours,

E. T. Cansler


P. S. -- Kindly upon receipt of this, wire me whether you will be in Raleigh either Thursday, Friday or Saturday of this week.