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<Dist Bd. Western>


Hon. Thomas W. Bickett,
Governor of North Carolina,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Governor:

I have to acknowledge receipt of your unsigned letter of the first inst., concerning the above matter. I note with pleasure that you have recommended that Messrs. Thomas W. Rollins, of Asheville, and Walter E. Moore, of Webster, be appointed as additional members of this Board. These men are most capable gentlemen, and if they can be pursuaded to accept the office, they will certainly relieve the other members of the board of considerable burden, which they will otherwise have to bear.

I think now, if you would recommend to the Chairman and Secretary of this board that the work be parcelled out in different localities, to different members of the board, as special committees, the recommendation would probably induce the board to so act, and would consequently very greatly facilitate this work. Unless some such course shall be pursued, I greatly fear that the Board will be completely swamped with work, and the delay incident thereto will be very detrimental to public service.

Concerning the appointment of a high grade, capable man, with executive ability, as chief clerk to the board, I can probably find such a man here, but before undertaking to do so, would like to know what salary he might be expected to receive. Probably it would be better to secure one in Statesville, where the Chairman resides, and where the headquarters of the board have been located.

Mr. A. D. Watts I think is in touch with the chaimman, and as you know, being a very capable man along these lines himself, and possessing a wide acquaintance, could possibly find such a man. 

I assure you that only personal considerations for you, and a sense of my responsibilities, as a citizen, to my government induced me to accept this trust, and I now feel, notwithstanding these considerations, I probably ought not to have done so, as I will be compelled to work overtime if I undertake to discharge my duty both to my clients and my government.

However, I am going to undertake it, and discharge these duties to the best of my ability.

Very truly yours,
